

Kostadin Dimitrov

Higher education – Master of Mathematics

Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”

Professional career:
Mayor of one of the administrative districts in the Municipality of Plovdiv – “Trakiya” for three consecutive terms:
▪  2011 – 2015
▪  2015 – 2019
In the local elections on 27.10.2019 Kostadin Dimitrov was elected district mayor in the first round with over 60% of the votes.

Previously, he worked as a deputy mayor in the “Central” district of Plovdiv and in the private sector.

For contact:

phone: 032/656 728

E-mail: [email protected]

Reception day:
Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m., after prior registration by phone: 032/656 728, e-mail [email protected] or by registration form

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