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Plovdiv: Integrating air mobility in urban-rural territories


Plovdiv: Integrating air mobility in urban-rural territories
Plovdiv region to demonstrate the case of urban air mobility solutions for inclusion of rural and emerging growth territories Sofia, General Assembly of the EIP-SCC / Plovdiv | The “Urban Air Mobility” (UAM)

Initiative of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC), which is supported by the European Commission, aims to bring together cities, citizens, businesses and other stakeholders in order to accelerate practical application studies and their consequent implementation. The initiative is led by Airbus, while institutional partners include Eurocontrol and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The EIP UAM initiative is founded on a city-centric approach with a diversified set of demonstration projects with engaged smart cities. The target is to jointly develop, through horizontal cooperation of diverse mobility actors, concrete urban air mobility solutions (intra-city and inter-city mobility) with real impact by addressing established mobility needs of the specific cities.

City of Plovdiv signs Manifesto of Intent and joins the Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Initiative

On Wednesday 27th June, during the General Assembly of the EIP-SCC, the Manifesto of Intent has been signed in Sofia by Mr. Stefan STOYANOV, Vice-Mayor of the City of Plovdiv.

The concept or Urban Air Mobility in Plovdiv and the Region -short UAMP- should offer innovative solutions and approaches towards solving the serious transportation challenges for the City of Plovdiv and the peri-urban and rural region of Plovdiv, mainly resulting from the constantly increasing workforce and goods transportation needs of the Companies in Trakia Economic Zone. By considering the urban planning, current urban fabric situation, as well as a variety of socio-economic factors, a consortium, with national and international partners, will be developed under the UAM Initiative of the EIP-SCC to develop a solid feasibility study and will initiate a fund raising actions; at a later stage, and upon approval of the defined project by the City, the realization of the UAMP project concept will be pursued in the wider region of Plovdiv.

Supported by the Ministry of Bulgarian Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, the City of Plovdiv has confirmed its intent and strong motivation to explore urban air mobility solutions (urban and inter-urban) through feasibility studies dealing with one or more of the following cases: (1) the synergistic use of new mobility services (including air mobility) integrated in public transport with a focus at connecting Plovdiv to other metropolitan areas at regional and national level; (2) the effective use for ambulance services and the use for public safety; (3) cargo needs for small rapid deliveries. As a starting point, focus will be given on introducing innovative goods transportation system in Plovdiv and the region, including the strategically highly important economic area of the TEZ. In the context of the EIP-SCC Marketplace, efforts will concentrate on raising investment for improving accessibility of Plovdiv and its region as well as addressing its emerging mobility needs, addressing the opportunities offered by INTERREG/TEN-T.

Amongst other partners who have signed and support the “Manifesto of Intent” are Bulgarian Civil Aviation Administration, the Space Research and Technology Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Trakia Economic Zone.

The Kick-Off Workshop is open to interested partners and it has been scheduled for September 2018 in Plovdiv. Further information on the Urban Air Mobility

Initiative: https://eu-smartcities.eu/initiatives/840/description

You can download the English version of the “Urban Air Mobility” Initiative from the following link

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