Home Administration Municipal enterprises OP “Gardens and parks”

OP “Gardens and parks”

Municipal Enterprise “Gardens and Parks”
The Municipal Enterprise “Gardens and Parks” was established by Decision No. 212, taken with Protocol No. 14/24.07.1997 of the Municipal Council of Plovdiv, on the grounds of Art. 52 and following of the Municipal Property Act and the Ordinance on Establishment, Management and Control over the Activities of Municipal Enterprises, adopted by Decision No. 187 of the Municipal Council of Plovdiv, taken with Protocol No. 12 of 02.07.1997.
The address of management of the Enterprise is: Plovdiv, Str. “Dame Gruev” 64 A
Telephone number: +359 32 / 62-43-01;
E-mail: [email protected]

Link: “Gardens and Parks” OP “Gardens and parks”
The enterprise carries out its activity on the basis of the Rules for the Structure and Operation of the Municipal Enterprise “Gardens and Parks” to Plovdiv Municipality, adopted by Decision No. 405, taken with the protocol No. 19/ 25.10.2006 of the Municipal Council of Plovdiv and in accordance with the budget allocated to the budget of the municipality of Plovdiv for its maintenance.
The enterprise was created for the purpose of development and maintenance of green areas and street crops and the production of propagating material.

The enterprise has the following activities:

“Landscaping” activity:
- Maintenance of municipal green areas and street plantations on the territory of the city of Plovdiv;
- Maintenance of the fountains of Plovdiv;
- Decorative trees, shrubs and flowers to satisfy the needs of the green system of Plovdiv.
- Plant protection against pests and diseases on the green areas and streets in the city.
- Repairs of the park equipment: benches, facilities, irrigation water pipes, pumping stations, farm buildings, etc.
- Exploitation and maintenance of motor vehicles and construction machinery necessary for the proper implementation of the Enterprise’s landscaping and maintenance of alleys and parks.
- Roads and pavements infrastructure;
- Maintaining of the alleys, parks and green areas on the territory of the municipal regions: Central, East, South, West, North and Thrace.
- Servicing the areas with means of transport for the collection of collected waste from alleys and parks.
The activity of the Enterprise is coordinated and controlled by the Mayor of Plovdiv Municipality or a deputy mayor appointed by him according to the Municipal Property Act and the Ordinance for establishment, management and control over the activities of the municipal enterprises.

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