OP “Funerals”

Municipal enterprise “Funeral activities” was established by Decision No. 212, taken with a protocol No. 14/24.07.1997 of the Municipal Council of Plovdiv on the grounds of Art. 52 and following of the Municipal Ownership Act and the Ordinance on Establishment, Management and Control over the Activity of Municipal Enterprises, adopted by Decision No. 187 of the Municipal Council of Plovdiv, taken with Protocol No. 12 of 02.07.1997.

The address of the management of the Enterprise is: Plovdiv, Blvd. “Knyaginya Maria Louisa” 73
Telephone number: +359 32 / 658-772; +359 32/624271;
E-mail: [email protected]

OP “Funerals”

The enterprise carries out its activity on the basis of the Rules for the Structure and Operation of the Municipal Enterprise “Funeral Activities” to the Municipality of Plovdiv, adopted by Decision No. 408, taken with Protocol No. 19 dated 25.10.2006 of the Municipal Council of Plovdiv and in accordance with the in the annual budget of the Municipality of Plovdiv budget funds for its maintenance.
The enterprise was established in order to ensure the fulfillment of the ritual activity and to satisfy the needs of the population in the cases of death, for which the law engages the local competence of the Municipality of Plovdiv.
The enterprise has the following activities:
- Registration of funerals, cremations, exhumations, collection and removal of dead remains and related normative facts, circumstances and other activities;
- Management of the funeral parks on the territory of the Municipality of Plovdiv and management of the municipal property (administrative, ritual and service buildings, facilities and equipment) provided to the enterprise by the Municipality of Plovdiv, except for the ritual and service buildings and facilities in the “Armenian Cemetery” and the” Catholic cemetery” parks, which are run by the respective church headquarters;
- Provides funeral services and services to citizens in connection with funerals, exhumations, collection and removal of remains, cremation and any other activity directly related to the dead and their dead remains;
- Implements other activities not prohibited by law in order to ensure the performance of the ritual activities and to satisfy the needs of the population in the cases of death, for which the law engages the local competence of the Municipality of Plovdiv.
By separate contracts governs the rights and obligations of organizations expressing the interests and wills of various religious communities (Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Armenian) in organizing and carrying out the ritual activity related to the death of persons belonging to the respective religious community.
The activity of the Enterprise is coordinated and controlled by the Mayor of Plovdiv Municipality, or a deputy mayor appointed by him.

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