Home Categories Budget and finances (Български) Делигирани бюджети Formulas for the Allocation of State Budget Funds Provided to Municipal Schools, Kindergartens, and Centers for Support of Personal Development for 2022 in the Municipality of Plovdiv, and Rules for Changes in the Allocation of Funds upon Modification of the Main Components of the Formula for 2022, Approved by Order No. 22OA-631/31.03.2022 of the Mayor of the Municipality of Plovdiv

Formulas for the Allocation of State Budget Funds Provided to Municipal Schools, Kindergartens, and Centers for Support of Personal Development for 2022 in the Municipality of Plovdiv, and Rules for Changes in the Allocation of Funds upon Modification of the Main Components of the Formula for 2022, Approved by Order No. 22OA-631/31.03.2022 of the Mayor of the Municipality of Plovdiv

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