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Information about carrier companies
Manager: Veselin Doshkov
Phone: +359 32/65 78 11
Fax: +359 32/65 78 12
e-mail: [email protected]
Bus lines: 4, 7, 12, 15, 22, 24, 27, 29, 37, 93, 222
“AUTOTRANS 2000” Ltd.
Manager: Dimitar Cholakov
Telephone / Fax: +359 32/62 72 41
e-mail: [email protected]
Bus lines: 6, 10, 18 and 99
“MERITRANS 2002″ Ltd.
Manager: Petko Angelov
Plovdiv, 22, “Nedyalka Shileva” Str.
Phone: +359 32/688 933
e-mail: [email protected]
Bus lines: 16, 44, 116
Manager: Pavlin Lozanov
Tsaratsovo village
GSM: +359 884 33 19 55
e-mail: [email protected]
Bus lines: 20
Consortium “Passenger Transport Plovdiv” Company under the Obligations and Contracts Act:
-Bus services Plovdiv” Ltd.
Manager: Petko Angelov
Rodopi Municipality 4109, village of Brani pole, locality “Chiirite” 020В
Tel +359 32/202656
e-mail: [email protected]
Bus lines: 1, 9, 11, 25, 26 and 66
- “AUTOTRANS 2000″ Ltd.
Manager: Dimitar Cholakov
BUL “IZTOCHEN” № 48, FL. 6
Telephone / Fax: +359 32/62 72 41
e-mail: [email protected]
Bus lines: 17, 21 and 113
“KTT – Zlatanovi” Ltd.
Manager: Tatyana Zlatanova
20, Balkan Street, Plovdiv
Phone: +359 894504376
e-mail: [email protected]
Bus lines: 36
Additional inner city lines / route taxi / routes
Line No. 1
Route: “Hristo Smirnenski” l.q. – “Trakia” l.q.- “Hristo Smirnenski” l.q.
1, “Orphey” Str., left on the local lane on “Peshtersko shosse” Blvd. South, on the left along “Belitsa” Str., on the left by “Yundola” Str., on the left along “Solunska” Str., on the right along ” Tsarevets” Str. to the left along “Hadji Dimitar” Str., Right on “Hristo Botev” Blvd., right on “Mendeleev” Blvd., straight on “Asenovgradsko shosse” Blvd., on the left by “Osvobojdenie” Blvd., right on”Dimitar Rizov” Str., to the left on “Saedinenie” Str., right on “Osvobozhdenie” Blvd., on the right by “St. Petersburg” Blvd., straight on “Hristo Botev” Blvd., straight on “Hadji Dimitar” Str., right on “Tsarevets” Str., left on “Solunska” Str., right on “Yndola” Str. , right on “Orphey” to № 1.
Regular timetable
Summer timetable
Line No. 2
Route: “Proslav” l.q. – “Asenovgradsko shosse” Blvd., State Enterprise “Construction and Rehabilitation” Plovdiv – “Proslav” l.q.
“Proslav” l.q.- the center – “Elin Pelin” str., to the left on “Bitolya” str., to the right on “Boris Petrov” str., left on “Prosveta” str., to the left on “Elin Pelin” str., to the right on “Peshtersko shosse” Blvd., to the right on “Belitsa” Str., on the left along “Yundola” Str., on the left by “Solunska” Str., on the left on “Tsarevets” Str., to the right on “Peshtersko shosse” Blvd., to the left on “V. Aprilov” Blvd., to the right on “Bulgaria” Blvd., to the right on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd., to the left on “St. Petka ” Str., right on “Knyaginya Maria Louisa” Blvd., to the right by “Lev Tolstoy” Str., to the right on “Saint Petersburg” Blvd., to the left on “Mendeleev” Blvd., right on “Asenovgradsko shosse” Blvd., left and back turn in front of the State Enterprise “Construction and Restoration” Plovdiv, right on “Asenovgradsko shosse” Blvd., right on “Mendeleev” Blvd. to the right on “St. Petersburg” Blvd., to the left on “Lev Tolstoy” Str. , on the left towards “Knyaginya Maria Louisa” Blvd., to the right on” Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd., to the left on “Bulgaria” Blvd., to the left on “V. Aprilov” Blvd., to the right on “Peshtersko Shosse” Blvd., on the left on “Tsarevets” Str., on the right along “Solunska” Str., on the right along “Yundola” Str., to the right on “Belitsa” Str., on the left on “Peshtersko shosse” Blvd., to the left on “Elin Pelin” Str., to the right on “Prosveta” Str., to the right on “Boris Petrov” Str., on the left along “Elena” Str., to the left on “Elin Pelin” Str., “Proslav” l.q.- the center
Regular timetable
Summer timetable
Line No. 3
Route: Region “North” Store “” Technomarket “/” 4th kilometer “/ – “Trakia” l.q. / Zone A-12 / – Region “North” Store “Technomarket” / “4th Kilometer” /
Store “Technomarket” / “4th kilometer” /, “Bulgaria” Blvd., to the right on “V. Aprilov ” Blvd., on the “6th September” Blvd., to the right on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd., on the left by “St. Petka” Str., straight on “Knyaginya Maria Louisa” Blvd., straight on “Tsarigradsko shosse” Blvd., to the left along “Landos” Str., to the right on “Bosilek” Str., to the left on “Vratsata” Str., to the right on “Gerlovo” Str., to the right on “W. Wilson” Str., to the left on “Tsarigradsko Shosse” Blvd., to the right along ” Yagodovsko Shoses” Str., to the right on “Tsar Simeon” Str., to the right on”Knyaz Boris I” Str., to the left on “Saedinenie” Str., to the right on “Dimitar Rizov” Str., to the right on “Poruchik Boyan Botev” / Zone A-12 “Trakia” l.q.), to the right on “Penyo Penev” Str., to the left on “Saedinenie” Str., to the right on “Knyaz Boris I” Str., to the left on “Dimitar Kudoglu” Str., to the right on “Georgi Tsarigradski” Str. / Zone A-13 of the “Trakia” l.q. /, on the left along “Yagodovsko Shosse” Str., on the left on “Tsarigradsko Shosse” Blvd., to the right along ” W. Wilson” Str., to the left on “Gerlovo” Str., to the left on “Vratsata” Str., to the right on “Bosilek” Str., to the left on “Landos” Str., to the right on “Tsarigradsko shosse” Blvd., straight on “Knyaginya Blvd. Maria Louisa” Str., to the right on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd., to the left on “6th September” Blvd., to the right on “V. Aprilov” Blvd., to the left on “Bulgaria” Blvd., Store” Technomarket “/” 4th Kilometer “/.
Regular timetable
Summer timetable
Line No. 4
Route: “Filipovo Station” – “South” district / Kyuchuk Paris / – “Filipovo Station”
“Filipovo” Bust Station – “Pobeda” Str., to the left on “Dunav” Blvd., to the right on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd., to the right on “Hristo Botev” Blvd., to the left on the Concrete Bridge, “Makedonia” Str., to the right on “Nikola Vaptsarov” Blvd., to the left on “Komatevsko Shosse” Blvd., to the left on “Alexander Stamboliiski” Blvd., to the left on “Dimitar Talev” Str., to the right on “Nikola Vaptsarov” Blvd., Macedonia, Concrete Bridge, to the right on “Hristo Botev” Blvd., to the left on “Tsar Boris” Blvd.
Line No. 5
Route: Northern Industrial Zone / North Power Plant / – “Trakia” l.q. / A-12 / – North Industrial Zone / North Power Plant /
“North” Power Plant, “Vasil Levski” Str., left on “Dunav” Blvd., to the right on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd., to the left on “Hr. Botev” Blvd., right on “Mendeleev” Blvd., right on” St. Petersburg “Blvd., right on “Osvobojdenie” Blvd., to the left on “Saedinenie” Str., to the right on ” Dimitar Rizov” Str., to the right on “Boyan Botev”/ Zone A-12 “Trakia” l.q. / to the right on “Penyo Penev” Str., to the right on “Osvobozhdenie” Blvd., to the left on “Dimitar Rizov” Str., to the left on “Saedinenie” Str., to the right on “Osvobojdenie” Blvd., to the left on “St. Petersburg” Str., to the right on “Mendeleev” Blvd., to the left on “Hr. Botev” Blvd., to the right on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel “Blvd., to the left on”Dunav” Blvd., to the right on” Vasil Levski ” Str. – North Power Plant.
Regular timetable
Summer timetable
Line No. 6
Route: Northern Industrial Zone / – South district / Kyuchuk Paris / – North Industrial Area
“Brezovsko Shosse” Blvd., right on “Dunav” Blvd., to the right on “Pobeda” Str., “Filipovo” Station, “Pobeda” Str., right on “Ruski” Blvd., to the right on “Hristo Botev” Blvd., on the left by “Komatevsko shosse” Blvd., left on “Nikola Vaptsarov” Blvd., to the right on” Dimitar Talev ” Str., to the right on” Alexander Stamboliyski” Blvd. to “Komatevsko Shosse” Blvd., back to “Alexander Stamboliiski” Blvd., to the left on “Dimitar Talev” Str., to the left on “Nikola Vaptsarov” Blvd., to the right on “Komatevsko Shosse” Blvd., to the right on “Hristo Botev” Blvd., to the left on “Ruski” Blvd., straight on “Pobeda” Str., “Filipovo” Station, “Pobeda” Str., on the left along the “Dunav” Blvd., on the left along “Brezovsko shosse” Blvd., “Maritsa” vegetable crops research institute.
Regular timetable
Summer timetable
Line No. 8
Route: Cemetery “North” district / Rogoshko Shosse / – Transport Hospital / South district – Cemetery “North” / Rogoshko Shose /
Cemetery “North” / Rogoshko Shosse /, right on “Rogoshko Shosse”, straight on “Bulgaria” Blvd., a junction with circular movement of the International Fair Plovdiv, to the left on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd., to the right on “Hr. Botev” Blvd., to the left along the Concrete Bridge,”Macedonia ” Blvd., to the left on” Skopje” Str., to the right on Tsar Boris III Obedinitel Blvd. – / continuation /, to the right on “Nikola Vaptsarov” Blvd., left on “Dimitar Talev” Str., to the right on “Al. Stamboliiski” Blvd., straight along “Modar” Str. to the Transport Hospital, back on “Modar” Str., straight on “Al. Stamboliiski” Blvd., to the left on “Dimitar Talev” Str., to the right on “Nikola Vaptsarov” Blvd., to the left on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd.- (continuation), to the left on “Skopje” Str., to the right on “Macedonia” Blvd., on the Concrete Bridge, to the right on “Hr. Botev” Blvd., to the left on “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” Blvd., to the right on “Bulgaria” Blvd., straight on Rogoshko Shosse, North Cemetery.
Regular timetable
Summer timetable
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