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Director: Emiliya Paleykova
Contacts: +359 32 / 656 880;
“Risk Assessment and Risk Management” Department has the following functions:
1.Coordinate the issues related to risk management in the structural units and the secondary distributers of the Plovdiv Municipality;
2.Carry out general and specialized inspections of structures, activities and processes for carrying out the activities in the municipality. The checks shall be carried out on the basis of a written order from the mayor;
3.Performs inspections in municipal enterprises in accordance with the authority of the mayor given to him by the municipal Council – Plovdiv;
4. Examines risks that threaten the achievement of the objectives of the checked structural units and their connections with the aims of the Plovdiv Municipality;
5. Checks the functioning of financial management and control systems in the structural units of the Plovdiv Municipality and the distributers of the budget;
6. Verify compliance with the laws and regulations
7. Prepare reports and proposals with corrective measures to reduce risks and improve the activity of the audited structures;
8. Contribute to the achievement of continuity and sustainability in the risk management process by establishing and maintaining a database of identified risks in the structural units and distributers;
9. Reviewing of the risk management strategy and the established procedures for accountability and control in order to identify opportunities for improvement;
10. Ensures consistency of management practices and reporting of risks in the municipality in order to support the consolidation of results and their presentation to the mayor;
11. Summarizes the information from the questionnaires and the reports of the authorizing officers of the Plovdiv Municipality in compliance with the requirements of art. 8 of the Financial Management and Control Act in the public sector for annual reporting on the functioning, adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of financial management and control systems;
12. Participates in the organization of monitoring of the system of financial management and control in the municipality of Plovdiv;
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