Home Administration Directorates and departments “Public Procurement” Directorate

“Public Procurement” Directorate

Director: Todor Todorov
Contacts: +359 32/656 760; 656 752; 656 726; 656 800; 656 751;
Fax: +359 32/ 656 752
E-mail: [email protected]

The “Public Procurement” Department has the following main functions:

1. It shall plan, organize and coordinate all activities in connection with the preparation and implementation of procurement procedures and shall write up a timetable for their implementation during the relevant year;
2. Together with the structure for which the specific contract is needed, it develops the procurement procedures documentation.
3. Carry out the procedures for public contracts in accordance with the regulatory requirements and applicable rules for the procurement of the European Community and national legislation, and shall be responsible for their lawful conducting and finalizing;
4. Prepares written procurement contracts and organizes their conclusion, monitors and controls their implementation, together with the responsible administrative department for whose needs the contract is signed and receives in due time the necessary information from the municipal maintenance units;
5. Keep a register of the procedures carried out during the relevant year and organize their archiving in accordance with the applicable internal rules;
6. Prepares opinions on legal documents in relation to the application of the Public Procurement Act and regulations;
7. Prepares and forwards for publication within the normative time limits of the necessary information to the public procurement agency, to the State Gazette and to the EU public journal;
8. Monitor the performance of the contracts for which officials of the Directorate are responsible, carry out controls, write opinions on their implementation and take the necessary action upon their completion or early termination;
9. Participates in commissions for price updates on service contracts;
10. Periodically writes protocols for new prices, taking into account the price change on the market under the contracts, the responsible persons of whom are officials of the Directorate;
11. Provides information on the contracts of municipal units, municipal administration and other State institutions;
12. Prepare and send information to the PPA and the Official Journal of the EU within the legal deadlines under the PPA;
13. Prepares protocols, opinions and other documents related to the work in the Directorate – at the request of the mayor or secretary;
14. Summarize information on planned procurements, prepare and forward prior announcements to the public procurement agency;
15. Maintain and keep records of the procedures for the public contracts;
16. Archive the dossiers of the procedures carried out and completed in accordance with the internal rules in force;
17. Provides methodological assistance in connection with the organization, conduct and archiving of documentation related to public procurement;
18. Prepares opinions and assists in the construction of legal protection in the case of complaints in connection with procedures for the public contracts;
19. Participates in the elaboration of the internal rules of the municipality under the Public Procurement Act and the bylaws for its application;
20. At the request of the inspection bodies, provides information on the public contracts carried out in relation to order of the PPA;
21. Leads the dossiers of the files on, appeals before the CPC and SAC procedures of the Plovdiv Municipality Orders under the order of the PPA.

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