Digitalization Department

The “Digitalization” Department has the following main functions:

1. Assists the mayor of the municipality in exercising his powers in the field of electronic management, digitization, and digital services;
2. Participates in, initiates, and coordinates the processes for the introduction of any kind of information technologies and services, e-management within the Municipality of Plovdiv;
3. Organizes processes for:

  • creation, expansion, and modernization, processing, and archiving of databases;
  • implementation of cloud services with full access to information and resources;
  • introduction of a unified working environment in the administration, ensuring connectivity between different directorates;
  • creation, maintenance, and updating of a unified information portal (mobile application of the Municipality of Plovdiv);

4. Responsible for digitization and transition to a digital environment and the introduction of electronic management in municipal administration and providing electronic services for better service to citizens;
5. Implements, manages, and is responsible for the implementation of unified software (GIS) with a full set of functionalities and modules regarding urban planning and implementation of basic municipal policies;
6. Participates in the creation, development, updating, and maintenance of a database as well as any type of mobile or web application for digital services provided to stakeholders.
7. Supports the development of municipal information web-based spaces with public access;
8. Participates in the development of measures and activities to improve digital skills within the public administration, applicable to the management of electronic service platforms. Assists in transforming internal processes to remove communication barriers related to the provision of e-services by the municipality.
9. Participates in the creation of platforms, integration of software solutions, and other electronic resources related to the needs of the Municipality of Plovdiv;

10. Responsible for developing internal rules and procedures for organizing the activities of information systems to ensure compliance with internal control requirements, introduction of quality management systems, network, and information security;

11. Upgrading and building video surveillance in terms of software, hardware, and digitization;

12. Provides representatives of the Municipality of Plovdiv in international, national, regional projects, and commissions in the field of information technology and electronic management;

13. Works closely with the Ministry of Interior on projects related to security for the needs of the Municipality of Plovdiv;

14. Responsible for building and putting into operation a digital portfolio compliant with European legislation;

15. Participates jointly with the “DIDO” department and in collaboration with the State e-Government Agency in the development and implementation of a unified model for application, payment, and provision of electronic administrative services through e-government resources;

16. Participates in the creation, development, updating, and maintenance of a database for digital services in the Plovdiv Inspectorate, “Public Order and Crisis Management” department, “Administrative and Criminal Activities” department, Local taxes and fees, etc.

17. Provides and ensures mobile phone connections and related activities with operators designated under the Public Procurement Act to serve the Municipality of Plovdiv;

18. Assists in expanding services to individuals and businesses through participation in the development of electronic services such as energy and water saving, optimization for public lighting, intelligent measurement systems, environmental monitoring, etc.

19. Participates in the creation of platforms allowing integration of software solutions with data from service providers;

20. Participates in teams drafting programs and new mechanisms for developing electronic platforms that connect startups with markets and institutions.


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