Protection of the environment
- Coordinates the overall activity of observing the specific sectoral requirements for individuals and legal entities regarding the protection and use of the environmental components and factors: atmospheric air, surface and groundwater, landscape, natural sites, biodiversity, noise, disinfection, disinsection and deratization activities and stray animals
- Analyzes information about the state of the environment and offers solutions for its improvement. Prepares local regulations for conservation, restoration, reproduction and development of the environment.
- Involves and coordinates the development of strategies, plans, programs and projects concerning the protection of the environment on the territory of the municipality; coordinates the implementation of municipal programs for the protection of environmental components;
- Initiates and / or participates in routine or provoked inspections concerning contamination of areas and damages to the environment.
- Coordinates and participates in joint events in a situation of disasters, accidents and catastrophes; analyzes and controls information on environmental components; implementing measures to improve it; monitors the same in risk areas of the municipality of Plovdiv.
- Prepares and proposes draft budget for environmental initiatives and events;
- The Directorate conducts contact and joint activities with all state institutions (Ministry of Environment and Water, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works etc.) as well as with non-governmental organizations related to environmental policy;
- Participates in organizing and conducting national campaigns and events on the territory of Plovdiv Municipality concerning protection of the environment;
- Participates in and coordinates the conduct of environmental events;
- Exercises preventive control over the activity of enterprises and installations in compliance with the environmental legislation;
- Provides methodological assistance to the district mayors and the municipal administration on the application of the environmental legislation at the local level; draws up reports, references and information in compliance with the requirements of the environmental management regulation and at the request of the competent institutions;
Performs control over the compliance with deadlines and fulfillment of the terms and conditions stipulated in the contracts;
Direction “Air”
- Administers the “Local Air Pollution Monitoring System on the territory of Plovdiv Municipality”;
- Prepares a program for the reduction of pollutant levels and for reaching the approved norms within the set time limits Art. 27 (1) of the Law on Clean Air;
- Discloses and provides public access to Applications and Completed Permit Projects for the construction and operation of new and the operation of existing installations and facilities.
Direction “Waste Management”
- Prepares and controls the implementation of contracts for acceptance and treatment of non-hazardous industrial waste in landfills / installations for non-hazardous waste;
- Participates in organizing the activity for separate collection of waste (packaging waste, spent fluorescent and other mercury containing lamps, discarded electrical and electronic equipment, end-of-life vehicles, discarded tires, waste oils and waste oils for use batteries and accumulators).
- Performs monitoring of the implementation of the conditions for the complex permits for “Regional landfill for non-hazardous waste” – Tsalapitsa and “Depot for non-hazardous waste and installation for biological degradation by indoor means” – Shishmantsi;
Direction “Water”
- Coordinates the implementation of the Program of Measures in a River Basin Management Plan in an East Aegean Region with a Plovdiv center, for which the Municipality of Plovdiv has been designated as an implementing institution and prepares a report on the model of the European Commission;
- Participates in the commission appointed by the Order of the Mayor of Plovdiv Municipality under Art. 139 (1) and (2) and Art. 140 (4) item 2 of the Waters Act and the joint committee on the maintenance of the conductivity of the Maritza River’s bed in the urbanized territory of Plovdiv;
- Maintains a database of pipe wells, irrigation systems, drinking fountains and fountains on the territory of Plovdiv Municipality;
- Makes a public announcement of the message under para. 1 of the Water Act for water abstraction permits.
Direction “Stray animals”
- Coordinates the work on the implementation of the “Program for controlling the population of stray cats on the territory of Plovdiv Municipality – 2010 – 2014″ and “Program for controlling the population of stray dogs on the territory of Plovdiv Municipality – 2008 – 2014″, prepares annual reports for realization of the measures in their Action Plans;
- Control and coordinate the activities of the regional administrations and OP “Zovoteinarin Complex”, regarding the registration of the unsupervised dogs under the procedure of the Animal Protection Act;
- Controls the activity of the regional administrations regarding the registration of domestic dogs and payment “Fee for owning a dog”;
- It maintains the continuity in the work and the proper functioning of the system “Electronic register for domestic dogs on the territory of the Municipality of Plovdiv” and provides the public with access to the relevant information.
Direction “Noise”
- Observes the implementation and updating of the “Strategic noise map for agglomeration Plovdiv” and coordinates the implementation of “Action Plan” to “Strategic noise map for agglomeration Plovdiv”;
- Analyzes the data coming into the Environmental Monitoring System of Environmental Noise – type ENM on the territory of the Municipality of Plovdiv, regarding the noise characterization.
Direction “Disinfection, disinsection and deratization activities”
- Organizes the work of the permanent municipal epizootic commission and monitors the implementation of the decisions taken;
- Organizes the preparation and monitoring of the implementation of the activities related to the implementation of the external, activities of disinsection, disinfection and deratization on the territory of the Municipality of Plovdiv; as well as timely notification to the control body and the affected population.
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